
Purpose & Scope


A. Committees and Workgroups are used to advance the mission of IEMA through the diverse expertise of its members. These members share ideas and make recommendations for the continuous improvement of our profession.

B. Liaisons are IEMA members with relevant expertise related to the organization they are appointed to serve.


A. Committees, Workgroups, and Liaisons are aligned within one of the four IEMA Strategic Goals. Any Active and/or Associate member can join Committees and/or Workgroups at the discretion of the Committee Chair. The  Committee/Workgroup Chair will be determined by the Committee/Workgroup members unless appointed by the Association President.

B. The Liaisons to our emergency management partners are appointed by the Association President, except those that are appointed by the Statewide organization. The Liaisons represent IEMA policy positions to their assigned discipline and communicate important discipline information back to IEMA.

Policy Development (Strategic Goal #1)

Bylaws, Policies, and Strategic Plan Committee


Executive Committee


    1. Annual review of Bylaws, Policies, and Strategic Plan
    2. Recommend/receive recommendations from membership for changes to Bylaws, Policies, and/or Strategic Plan.
    3. Prepare changes for membership vote

Audit Committee

Committee Chair

Byron Jimmerson, Clarke County
Office (641) 342-6654


    1. Conduct an annual audit as outlined in Policy 1: Audit
    2. Conduct a special audit when directed by the Executive Committee

Awards Committee

Committee Chair

Scott Hansen, Benton County
Office (319) 472-4519


    1. Provide plaques and awards as requested by members of the Executive Committee
    2. Coordinate the association’s annual awards program
    3. Oversees the IACEM program


Generally meets the last Thursday of the month

Governance Committee

Committee Chair

  1. Chris Showalter, Butler County
    Office (319) 267-9968


IACEM Committee

Committee Chair

Scott Hansen, Benton County
Office (319) 472-4519


Identification & Credentialing Committee

Committee Chair

Doug Reed, Pottawattamie County
Office (712) 328-5776


    1. Develop Iowa credentialing standards and definitions
    2. Make recommendation for the statewide identification system
    3. Research funding opportunities for long term sustainability

Legislative Committee

Committee Chair

  1. Thomas Craighton, Hardin County
  2. Office: (641) 939-8132


    1. Serve as IEMA reps to the ISAC Legislative Policy Committee
    2. Inform/assist IEMA members with legislative issues
    3. Assist the Executive Committee with writing legislative priorities, objectives, and policy statements
    4. Work with the Executive Committee and IEMA lobbyist to stay informed of legislative issues

Mentoring Committee

Committee Chair

  1. Steve O’Neil, Cerro Gordo County
  2. Office: (641) 425-0640


Nominating Committee

Committee Chair

Mike Lamb, ADLM
Office (641) 724-3223


    1. Complete tasks as outlined in the Nominating Committee Guidance

Online Media Committee

Committee Chair

    1. Michael Ehret, Dickinson County
      Office (712) 336-3987


      1. Complete tasks as outlined in Policy 2: Electronic Media

    Education & Training (Strategic Goal #2)

    Statewide Training, Exercise, Planning Committee (STEP-C)

    Committee Chair

    Sarah Mosher, Clayton County
    Office (563) 245-3004


      1. Collaboration with HSEMD to initiate, develop, and maintain projects and strategies that advance our profession.
      2. With the approval of the IEMA Executive Committee, assign completed projects to the appropriate committee or workgroup (including STEPC) for ongoing facilitation.
      3. Develop comprehensive multi-year training, exercise, and planning strategy in collaboration with HSEMD.
      4. Develop an annual training plan with HSEMD STO for EMPG and HSGP.
      5. Develop/maintain an information packet for new Coordinators.
      6. Develop/maintain a Statewide Mentoring Program in coordination with the Professional Development Guides and the EMPD Workgroup.
      7. Develop/maintain Professional Development Guides in coordination with the Statewide Mentoring Program and the EMPD Workgroup.
      8. Provide oversight to the workgroups for coordination of projects

    Education Workgroup under STEP-C

    Committee Chair

    Mindy Benson, Black Hawk County
    Office (319) 291-4373


    1. Schedule educational sessions for IEMA affiliate time at ISAC, including outreach to other affiliates.
    2. Develop educational content for other ISAC sessions (new officers school, ISAC university, etc.)
    3. Develop and schedule presentations at League of Cities annual conference


    Any member of IEMA that wishes to join this committee is welcome. This committee normally meets the third Thursday of odd months, except holidays, at 10:00 a.m. by phone conference.

    University of Okoboji Emergency Management Conference Workgroup under STEP-C

    Committee Chair

    Michael Ehret, Dickinson County
    Office (712) 336-3987


    1. Develop and schedule presentations for the annual University of Okoboji Emergency Management Conference

    EMPD Workgroup under STEP-C

    Workgroup Chairs

    Chris Showalter, Butler County
    Office (319) 267-9968

    Eric Tigges, Clay County
    Office (712) 264-3987



      1. Develop/update content of the program.
      2. Coordinate with IEMA Secretary for tracking new/renewals.
      3. Issue Certificates of completion to qualifying individuals

    IEMA-Appointed Liaisons

    Association/Committee Liaison
    911 Jeff Anderson, Marion County
    Sean Snyder, Winneshiek County
    IDPH Preparedness Advisory Committee DeAnne Sesker, Polk County
    International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Gina Hardin, Des Moines County
    Iowa DOT T.I.M.S. Melissa Spencer, Story County
    Iowa Firefighters Association (IFA) Mike Lamb, ADLM
    Mike Ryan, Delaware County
    Iowa Police Chief’s Association (IPCA) Mike Lamb, ADLM
    Iowa State Association of Counties A.J. Mumm, Polk County
    Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies Association (ISSDA) Nate Huizenga, Sioux County
    Mike Lamb, ADLM
    League of Cities Vacant
    Safeguard Iowa Partnership A.J. Mumm, Polk County

    State-Appointed Liaisons

    Association/Committee Liaison
    Homeland Security Advisory Committee IEMA President
    Keith Morgan, Story County
    A.J. Mumm, Polk County (Large County Rep)
    Josh Harding, Jasper County (Small County Rep)
    Iowa Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee Jamey Robinson, Mahaska County
    Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System Board (ISICSB) Mindy Benson, Black Hawk County
    Flood Mitigation Board Jodi Freet, Cedar County